what if Pro Wrestling is real

I hope this Alt History idea isn't ASB setting idea, what if Pro Wrestling is real, like in Tiger Mask and Tiger Mask W. In the ring the Blood, Pain and Hurt is real.

So I need to sources such as books to know about the history of Pro Wrestling and the moves as well.

I hope this Alt History idea isn't ASB setting idea, what if Pro Wrestling is real, like in Tiger Mask and Tiger Mask W. In the ring the Blood, Pain and Hurt is real.

So I need to sources such as books to know about the history of Pro Wrestling and the moves as well.

Wouldn't most wrestling cause massive injuries and/or death? I think most OTL history and 'moves' would be tossed right out in an actual bloodsport.
You just described Actual (Freestyle & Greco-Roman) Wrestling, LOL. I guess a pro league could adopt the theatrical aspects of Kayfabe. Real matches with orthodox rules and Points that Mean Something, but all the attitude and personality.
But professional wrestling is already Real in that it caters to psychological needs to enact drama and Real-ise terrors and horrors that aren’t just unspoken but are incapable of being voiced in language. That’s a really strong social desire: we put on Medea so nobody has to kill her kids when her younger husband leaves her as a parricide for love. And the market history driving professional wrestling to be what it is noted this.

It’s hard to get pankraton with costumes before boxing perfects itself, but I believe there’s a televised sport now occupying that niche of costumes and blood inflicted not received.
Well like in Tiger Mask, and Tiger Mask W it's like normal Pro Wrestling of our world including the moves and holds in the ring are real.

I still say that it would make for a good alt history setting,
