
  1. WHAT IF : US-USSR Joint Invasion of the Empire of Japan Between 1941-1944 ? (Maybe with the help of KMT in China?)

    What if the United States and the Soviet Union agreed and managed to invade Japan between 1941-1944 ?
  2. GameBawesome

    WI: Ashikaga Yoshiteru survives

    Ashikaga Yoshiteru was the 13th Shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate. By this point, the Sengoku Jidai was in full swing, and the Ashikaga Shoguns were merely puppets for more powerful clans such as the Miyoshi, the Hosokawa or Rokakku. Most of these shoguns were content with playing ball with the...
  3. How much of a boost to Japan's economy, if any, could a retained Taiwan have given?

    Let's assume that Japan was able to keep Taiwan post-WW2. You can come up with any reasons as to why this happens, but, for the sake of the thread, I'll just say that the KMT lost the Chinese Civil War early, and thus the US doesn't have a friendly China to hand Taiwan over to. To my knowledge...
  4. Onedotman

    Yan Xishan collaborates with Japan

    Yan Xishan was arguably the most pro-Japanese among the Chinese warlords of the era. Thus during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Japanese saw the rift between Yan and Chiang Kai-shek and had multiple times asked Yan to cooperate with them, but he refused and even contributed his part in...
  5. GameBawesome

    WI: The Ōuchi Clan didn't fall

    The Ōuchi Clan was one of the most powerful Daimyo clans in the early Sengoku Jidai. Claiming descent from Baekje Royalty, at their height, they controlled six provinces in Western Japan, and the city of Yamaguchi was seen as the "Kyoto of the West" being a hub of culture and trade with China...
  6. What would the Nuclear Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945 If Nobunaga Oda Survived?

    The Nobubaga Oda and His Son Nobutada Oda killed by Akechi Mitsuhide 1582 OTL, TTL Nobunaga Oda and Son Nobutada survived escaped Akechi Mitsuhide Failed, Nobunaga Oda Unification Succeeded 1584 and become Shogun lived until 1637 and replaced son Nobutada Oda. Would Atomic Bomb Hiroshima and...
  7. Anime and Manga industry in a KMT-led/Democratic China and an united Korea - Could they surpass Japan?

    This thread is a go-to place where most discussions on this topic will be dumped as an "introduction", considering that quite a lot has been already written about this subject, but a specific thread about it has not been made yet, so the discussion below already explains the purpose and topic of...
  8. Avrorrange

    WI Toyotomi Hideyoshi was adopted by the last Ashikaga Shogun?

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi tried to get several important people to adopt him in order to adopt certain government titles IOTL. He succeeded with the Fujiwara, which ended with him taking the Kampaku and later Taiko title. Before he got adopted by the Fujiwaras however, he also tried to get the last...
  9. What if Shinzo Abe Survived Assassination and Escaped?

    I'v Shinzo Abe escaped assassination or Tetsuya Yamagami failed kills Shinzo Abe?
  10. WI: Christian Japan

    What if Christian missionaries from Iberia managed to convert Japan to Christianity in the 1500s? Additionally what if this Japan managed to conquer Korea in the Imjin War (or an alternate version of it) or a later war when the Ming was collapsing
  11. Ana Luciana II

    Differences between Japanese Imperialism and European Fascism?

    Unsurprisingly, due to the major similarities (totalitarian government, violent racism, total war economies, foreign expansionism) Japanese Imperialism and European Fascism are often lumped in together. I was interested, though, in the differences between these two systems and was wondering if...
  12. GameBawesome

    WI: Oda Nobunaga's Imjin War

    (I made this thread talking about this years ago, but it went nowhere and died. This is more of a remake.) For context, the Imjin War was an attempt by Toyotomi Hideyoshi to invade Ming China via Joseon Korea. After landing on Korean soil, the Japanese had initial success, even capturing the...
  13. What if Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded Siam?

    Assuming that Hideyoshi was somehow able to conquer Korea and then decided to set his eyes on the Kingdom of Ayutthaya for whatever reason (pick your reasoning: desire to control one of the largest and wealthiest cities in Asia at the time, he wanted to see an elephant, he felt bored, etc.)...
  14. WI there was a large East Asian community in India?

    So this is an idea that has been with me for an undetermined period of time. Since Chinese traders were responsible for creating large Chinese creole communities all over South East Asia, Japan had a period where Japanese traders flourish all over South East Asia and East Asia, and Korea once...
  15. Can Japanese politics be more polarized by the present day?

    I may be wrong, since I'm not too knowledgeable about Japan, but without getting too much into modern politics, it seems to be a lot more politically stable and less polarized than other major western countries. I'm wondering why this is, and if it would be possible, with a post-war POD to get...
  16. Could the Ashikaga shoguns unite Japan?

    Disclaimer: I know next to nothing about this period. While dozens if not hundreds of clans all over Japan fought for dominance during the Sengoku Jidai, the Ashikaga clan, whose kinsmen held the post of shogun (and were, thus, nominal rulers of Japan) for most of the period, were powerless...
  17. GameBawesome

    WI: The Siamese attacks Japan during the Imjin War

    According to some historians in Asia, during the Imjin War (When Japan under Toyotomi Hideyoshi invaded the Kingdom of Joseon), supposedly the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Modern-Day Thailand), made a proposal to the Ming Chinese. They offered to dispatch a naval force to sail and attack Japan...
  18. More countries that experienced the Argentine Paradox

    The "Argentine paradox" is a term used for the economic history of Argentina - at the beginning of the last century the country was one of the richest in the world in terms of GNP per capita, surpassing countries such as Germany, France and the Netherlands, while today it is a middle-developed...
  19. WI Japan conquer China instead of Song

    POD is that Taika Reform succeeds in centralizing Japan. It takes power away from clan. Their land nationalized and redistributed. Imperial government becomes the sole authority in Japan. The Emperor creates a professional national standing army Tang dynasty in China and Silla dynasty in Korea...
  20. If Japan remained a democracy and never joined the Axis, would manga/anime exist in its modern form?

    As the title said, would anime/manga be very different without an imperialist, Axis Japan being defeated and occupied by the Americans? I would assume that some similarities would exist, as American comic books would inevitably come to Japan, but not in the same way that it did in our timeline